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Emmanuel KcManny

Emmanuel KcManny and his first mate are a dynamic duo dedicated to the waterman lifestyle.

Their nautical journey began in 2015 when Emmanuel discovered an abandoned 26′ Victoria Frances sailboat in a Long Island boatyard.

Driven by a passion for restoration, he transformed the “pocket cruiser” designed by Chuck Payne into “Grandeur,” a vessel symbolizing balance in Sanskrit.

After a year-long labor of love rebuilding Grandeur’s rotten decks and delaminated fiberglass, Emmanuel embarked on a series of exhilarating ocean passages.

From navigating the treacherous Fire Island inlet to braving the cold lonely trek down the eastern seaboard to Jupiter, Florida, his stories of triumph and trial captivate readers.

It was in Jupiter that Emmanuel found his perfect first mate, and together they transitioned to a 1973 Marine Trader Trawler, christened “Neverland.”

Now immersed in the waterman lifestyle, they surf, paddle, kite, and train daily while pursuing new adventures at sea.

With a penchant for storytelling and a knack for capturing the thrill of the open water, Emmanuel and his first mate invite you to join them on their ongoing expeditions.